Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Back on Java

After learning Java basics via sololearn and from the oracle site. I would recommend Java cos it is, write once and run on all platforms.
I've run my code only on windows anyway.

I'm not a Pro. Just an advanced learner.


Sun Microsystems created the Java language. Java is a case-sensitive programming language, like C++. Java is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) structure. Java is a class based programming language.

Example with simple Java program

Open Notepad and type in this program, maintaining the upper and lower case, because Java is a cases sensitive programming language.
01. class Edidiong
02. {
03.       public static void
04.       {
05.           System.out .print(“( "Welcome to Basic concept")")
06.       }
07. }
After writing this code then save the program. When you save it you need to save the program with only the class name like:
Edidiong.java ✌//

.java is extension of Java file.👌

After saving, compile and run the program so you need to open a “cmd”. Click the Window button and type “cmd” then hit Enter and open a “cmd” then type the cmd command for going to the location where your Java program is, like mine is at “desktop” so I need to type:
cmd desktop
Then show desktop on your cmd then type the following to compile:
javac Edidiong.java
//javac stands for Java compile .💖

When your Java program will be compiled successfully with no error then you have an auto-created a '.class' file.👏👏

If the compile was successful then to run type:
Java Edidiong
The following is the output.👎👎

" Welcome to basic concept "

☝☝If you are confused, have questions or want to report something, DM me on Instagram. edidiong_udoh. Or, try visiting solo learn Java or tutorials point

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