Monday, 7 November 2016

HTML lesson; Begin Markup

Well guys, I want you to know one thing. HTML isn't a programming language. It is a markup language for the web. That known let's begin.

You see this blog post you are reading now? It isn't just typed with Notepad or Microsoft word. It is written with HTML and this is what I want you to know apart from the jokes I also write cos with this knowledge, you can make HTML games and make web applications.


HTML is and acronym( stands for) ' HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE '. It is what is used to power this blog alongside all the pages on the internet. This blog however uses the simplest form of HTML because it is part of the free basics program and needs to be able to work on browsers that are not new, that is not modern or made a long time ago and cannot support all websites.

To begin with HTML, you must have a text editor like notepad on your computer. HTML often begins with a tag <html>. Whatever is in that tag is displayed in the web page. However, it still a closing tag and that is </html>. HTML has very many tags. I would show you more on my next HTML post.

See these websites I have used simple HTML and CSS to create at
Designer and

Be happy till next time.


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